Friday, September 9, 2011

K-SVERT on the playa!

Our K-SVERT Mobile Broadcast Center reconstructed on the playa! Let the tunes begin!
Aida makes her mobile debut:

The Leopard sign makes an appearance from storage:

Mohawk Tommy with Aida on the Esplanade, across from the Party Naked folks:

Roy has relaxed into things: 

I think we feel like proud parents to have birthed this new incarnation of K-SVERT:

The Man on Thursday morning:

The Technomads talk nomadism on Thursday afternoon:

Playa Life:

It took me a while to figure out what these guys were doing...apparently, they are Playa Zombies:

Friday playa broadcast from the Man at the 6:00 road:

Men of K-SVERT:

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